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Belgium is a central European country with many exciting job opportunities for interested candidates. Due to a shortage of local human resources, many companies started offering visa sponsorships to foreigners interested in working in Belgium. 

The fruit industry is one of Belgium’s most lucrative sectors. The country currently produces over 350,000 tons of pears and 240,000 tons of apples yearly, explaining the massive demand for fruit pickers. If interested, you can apply and contribute to this exciting opportunity. 

Requirements for Fruit Picking Jobs in Belgium For Foreigners

Here is what you need to apply for a visa-sponsored fruit-picking job in Belgium.

  • Education: Although formal education isn’t mandatory, holders of at least a high school certificate have the upper hand over uneducated applicants. The candidate must also show an ability to work in varying weather conditions, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic. 
  • Experience: Previous working experience in agriculture is also advantageous. 

How to Apply for a Visa-Sponsored Job

If you want a visa sponsorship to work in Belgium, you must apply through an online recruitment portal that publishes open job opportunities in Belgium. 

Once you open the site, use the search bar to find the job you want (in this case, fruit picking). Next, click on the listed job offers for detailed information about the opening. Some of the most trusted job platforms are LinkedIn and Indeed

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Responsibilities of Fruit Pickers in Belgium

The following are the main tasks you’ll carry out if you land a fruit-picking job in Belgium.

  • Preparing the farm, planting, cultivating, and harvesting various fruits and vegetables. 
  • Caring and maintaining crops until maturity. 
  • Employing efficient and sustainable farming practices.
  • Working with existing teams to optimize farm operations. 

Benefits of Fruit Picking Jobs in Belgium

The following are the top advantages of landing a fruit-picking job in Belgium. 

  • Visa sponsorship: you don’t have to follow the regular visa application process, as your employer does it for you. This ensures a seamless transition from your country to Belgium’s work sector. 
  • Health insurance: employees and their families get access to comprehensive insurance coverage, allowing them to work without worrying about their well-being. 
  • Professional development: as you work, you gain valuable experience that enables you to enhance your career and increase your salary. 
  • Lucrative salary: your base income starts at EUR 1,200 monthly. However, you can get more money through performance-based bonuses. 

Expected Pay 

Belgium is among the highest-paying European countries. It’s worth noting that the figure mentioned earlier isn’t fixed, as several factors affect your net income. These include performance, your position, and academic qualifications. Some workers earn as much as EUR 3,500 monthly from fruit picking. 

Where To Apply For Fruit Picking Jobs in Belgium for Foreigners

Here’s where to find fruit-picking jobs in Belgium if you are a foreigner. Most of the sites are in Belgium, but the good thing is that you can translate them into any language.


Belgium is an exciting location to land a job. It offers plenty of attractions, has world-class amenities, and gives competitive salaries to its employees. However, it’s easy to fall victim to fake job application platforms. Ensure you verify the authenticity of a job offer before filling in your application – otherwise, you might lose money or sensitive data.

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