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You do not have to spend another lonely weekend indoors when there is a park in the centre of Nairobi City. Nairobi Safari Walk entry fees are affordable, and it is the perfect spot for a relaxed stroll.

It is ideal for a first date, a kid’s outing, a fun family day, or a leisurely afternoon plan to hang out with friends. Keep reading to learn more about the Nairobi safari walk gate charges.

A leopard on top of a tree at Nairobi Safari Walk

Brief History of Nairobi Safari Walk

Nairobi Safari Walk is a conservation-based recreational facility that covers over 11 hectares of land next to the Animal Orphanage.

Both attractions are at the entrance of the Nairobi National Park, a free-roaming wildlife park within Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.

Located less than 8 kilometers from the city center, it offers people a glimpse of Kenya’s wildlife and safari experience. The raised boardwalk allows a wide, clear, safe, and uninterrupted view of the different animals.

Additionally, the Kenya Wildlife Services offers educational materials on all matters of wildlife to learning institutions and research facilities. The rich history of wildlife conservation in Kenya begins here.

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Nairobi Safari Walk Tickets

How much does Nairobi safari walk cost? Nairobi National Park Safari Walk charges are cost-effective for all visitors. Here are the Nairobi safari walk entry fees for both residents and non-residents.nairobi safari walk gate charges

Entry fees for Kenya Citizens or Residents:

  • Adults pay Kshs. 250
  • Children below 12 years pay Kshs. 125

Entry fees for Non-Residents:

  • Adults pay USD 25
  • Children below 12 years pay USD 15

How long is the Safari Walk?

The Nairobi Safari Walk lasts about 35 minutes to an hour, depending on an individual’s pace. You can walk around for as long as you wish, taking time to see the animals and birds and enjoy the scenic view from the boardwalk.

You are also allowed to take pictures, so make sure to carry a good camera or fully charge your phone.

They allow snacks and water, so carry a few for a picnic inside the park. Remember not to litter or try to feed the animals, as they have a regular feeding schedule.

Additionally, Nairobi is hot most of the year, so wear a sunhat when visiting the Nairobi Safari Walk.

Attractions at the Nairobi Safari Walk

Nairobi Safari walk has hundreds of indigenous tree species that can be found across Kenya.

Additionally, various animals, birds, and insects are residents of their natural habitat. The eco-system the park represents are savannah, wetlands, and forestry areas.

The main attractions at the Safari Walk are:

  • The White Rhino.
  • Albino Zebras.
  • Primates such as Monkeys and Baboons.
  • Antelopes.
  • Big cats such as the Lion, Cheetah, and Leopard.
  • Large herbivorous animals such as Wildebeest and Buffaloes.
  • The rare Bongo.
  • Hippo pools.
  • Birds such as peacocks and ostriches

Animals at the Nairobi Safari walk

The Layout of the Nairobi Safari Walk

Once you pay the entry fees and walk in, the first area is on the ground level, with various tree species on display. The first enclosure houses monkeys and baboons.

Then, a few metres in, the buffalo, warthog, and wildebeest area is on the opposite side, followed by the white rhino-protected enclosure.

The rhino boma opens into the wild, where they can roam about the entire side of the park. You then walk into a forested area, where you can see and hear the birds’ call.

Finally, sit on one of the many benches to enjoy your packed lunch in the serene environment.

After the brief nourishment stop, keep walking down the well-kept paths until you reach the boardwalk.

At the end is the lookout area where you can see wild animals drinking from the waterhole. Unfortunately, it is seasonal, and there are months when it is completely dry.

The most exciting part of the tour is the lion, cheetah, and leopard enclosures. Here you spend time trying to catch a glimpse of the big cats that prefer to camouflage at the tree tops. It is your lucky day if they emerge, so time your visit during feeding.

There is no glass covering in this section, although there is a metal mesh covering to prevent the animals from jumping out. However, the lion’s enclosure has a glass covering and can be seen roaming around its habitat.

The aerial view at the end of the boardwalk also allows you to see beyond the Nairobi National Park.

Walk back using the other side of the park to catch a glimpse of young antelopes and gazelles. Towards the exits is a crocodile waterhole and tortoise enclosure to end a lovely visit.

The entire walk is about a kilometre and a half long. The beauty of the boardwalk is that it is painted green to blend in with the natural environment.

If you are still not ready to leave, there are more benches in a shaded area next to the exit to sit and rest.

Remember to take care of your environment by not littering. Instead, respect the animal’s habitat by protecting it from pollution.

The electric fences and animal minders protect you from the animals, so relax and enjoy your visit.

Nairobi Safari Walk Contacts

You can contact the Kenya Wildlife Service, which manages the Nairobi Safari Walk, through email, their website, or by calling their office line.

Telephone numbers: +254 (20) 2379407 or +254 (0) 726 610508/9

Email: kws@kws.go.ke or customerservice@kws.go.ke

Website: www.kws.go.ke

Is Nairobi Safari Walk open on Sunday?

Yes. The park is open to the public all week, all year round, but within their operating hours.

Operating hours for Nairobi Safari Walk

Monday to Sunday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Nairobi safari walk entry fees

Can you walk through Nairobi National Park?

No. The Kenya Wildlife Service advises visitors to use vehicles touring the park for safety reasons. Additionally, the park is large as it can take over 4 hours to complete a game drive.

If you would like to walk, visit the Nairobi Safari Walk instead. The experience will prepare you for a similar but grander experience inside the vast Nairobi National Park.


Visiting Nairobi Safari Walk is always a thrilling and exciting experience, even for a third or fourth time. With the affordable Nairobi safari walk entry fees, you should not miss this iconic park in Nairobi. There is always something new to learn, as you may only get to see a few things during the first visit.

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