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The enchanting Oloolua Nature Trail is the perfect escape from the busy Nairobi City life. And the affordable Oloolua Nature Trail Nairobi entry fee makes it perfect for hikers, campers, and joggers.

This hidden gem offers a magical experience of indigenous trees, chirping birds, a breathtaking waterfall, and a mystical cave. 

After reading and hearing the great Oloolua nature trail reviews, I explored this trail over the past weekend with my little ones.

Let’s say it was long overdue! We enjoyed every bit of the Oloolua nature trail, and I realized the place does get quite packed.

If you’ve been thinking of a place to head over with your family that won’t cost you an arm and a leg, Oloolua Nature Trail is the place to be this weekend.

Here’s a recap of my weekend. I hope it inspires you to get out and experience nature in its raw form.

Where is Oloolua Nature Trail located?

The Oloolua Nature Trail is located in the Nairobi suburb of Karen, about 20 kilometers from the Nairobi City center.

It is situated within the indigenous Oloolua Forest, home to the Institute of Primate Research (IPR).

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Oloolua Nature Trail Directions

Oloolua Nature Trail is 27km minutes away when using Lang’ata Rd. and 30 minutes when driving using the Southern bypass Rd.

If using public means, board a bus or matatu No. 24 from the CBD and alight at Bogani Road and Karen Road junction, near the Karen Blixen Museum.

About 600m on your left is the entrance to the Oloolua Nature Trail.

Oloolua Nature Trail Nairobi Entry Fee 

How much does Oloolua Nature Trail cost? The Oloolua nature trail charges an affordable entry fee to encourage local tourism and raise more awareness of nature conservation. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Oloolua nature trail entry fee:


  • Adults: Ksh.200
  • Children: Ksh.100


  • Adults: Ksh.400
  • Children: Ksh.200


  • Adults: Ksh.600
  •  Children: Ksh.300

Entrance fees to the Oloolua nature trail are payable via Mpesa. 

Oloolua Nature Trail Activities

You can explore the 2.2 miles (about 3.5km) Oloolua Nature Trail loop in about one hour and sight birds while hiking.

The trail zigzags a lot, and you’ll encounter many wooden steps and handrails. Children will particularly enjoy running through the trail.

Here are some of the activities and attractions on Oloolua Nature Trail.

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The Waterfall

Along the trail is a cascading 21 feet white waterfall that looks mesmerizing. The surrounding nature is serene, and you’ll enjoy pausing along your trail to admire nature’s creation. 

The sound of the chirping weaver birds and the gushing water is peaceful and relaxing.

You can take many pictures here, play with water, and meditate before moving on to the next attraction.

The Caves

The spine-tingling 33 Meters long and dark caves full of bats are another feature to explore on this trail, as long as you have a bright flashlight. 

It’s believed that these caves were the hiding place for the Mau Mau freedom fighters.

As you reach the end of the cave, you will need to crouch low enough to be able to crawl out.


Oloolua has a good road network reinforced with stones, and finding your way around is relatively easy.

Along the way, you will likely encounter a picnic site equipped with benches, tap water, and a toilet.

You can rest here before exploring more, enjoying a picnic break, and returning home.


If camping, you must bring your gear, including tents and food. Here are the camping prices:


  • Adults: Ksh.2000
  • Children: Ksh.1000


  • Adults: Ksh.2,500
  • Children: Ksh.1,500


  • Adults: Ksh.3,000
  • Children: Ksh.1,500


While it’s a short trail, you will enjoy your walk along the Oloolua Nature Trail.

If you love nature, you’ll be excited to spot the monkeys swinging on trees, various bird species, and colorful butterflies. 

Oloolua Nature Trail contacts

Email: olooluanaturetrail@primateresearch.org

Phone:+254 716 256771


Did you know the Oloolua forest is 618 hectares even though the nature trail is a mere 3.5km?

While it’s a haven for indigenous flora and fauna, it faces threats like illegal logging and industrial river pollution.

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