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Are you looking to see a different side of Mt. Kenya? Nanyuki rests quietly on the leeward side of the majestic Mt. Kenya, making it a fantastic destination. Sometimes, you need to go to a place that will allow you to see as many different attractions. If this is your desire, here is a buffet of places to visit in Nanyuki. 

Fun Outdoor Activities in Nanyuki

For the outdoorsy wanderlusters, Nanyuki offers you a variety of places, from the mountain to forest trails. Here are a few places you can check out on your next trip. 

beautiful places to visit in Nanyuki

Photo Credits: Ngare Ndare

Beautiful Places To Visit In Nanyuki, Kenya

There are so many activities and places to visit in Nanyuki on a budget. You will not get enough of it in a day’s visit.

Plan your trip to last several days so you can have enough time to explore the place.

Here are some hidden gems in Nanyuki that you will enjoy visiting.

Mt. Kenya wildlife conservancy

Are you craving a sight of the much-talked-about Kenyan wildlife? Then you must visit the Mt. Kenya wildlife conservancy on your trip to Nanyuki.

This conservancy is dedicated to preserving indigenous trees and animals.

Take a tour of Mt. Kenya wildlife conservancy, and you’ll surely catch a glimpse of some of the big-5 of Africa.

If you’re lucky, you may spot the almost-extinct rare antelope, the mountain bongo. 

The animal orphanage at the conservancy is a must-attend.

Here, you’ll learn more about the animals from the knowledgeable staff. 

Ngare Ndare forest 

Are you a nature conservation enthusiast? Then you will absolutely love a visit to the Ngare Ndare Forest.

Ngare Ndare sits on the foothills of Mt. Kenya, and here’s what to expect there: 

  • The elephants’ corridor: Walk in the trails the elephants use as they cross from one part of the forest to another. 
  • Natural Swimming pools: If you’re thinking of taking a dip in the cool forest waters, you will love the immaculate natural swimming pools in the deep forest. 
  • The spectacular waterfalls and cascades are a sight to behold as well. These are perfect for photographers looking for the perfect shot of nature. 
  • Canopy Walk: This is arguably the best part of Ngare Ndare forest. Quench the adrenaline thirst by walking 40 feet above the ground on the almost half-kilometre-long bridge. 
  • River View: At the end of the canopy walk, you can enjoy the view of the rivers below on an elevated platform 30 feet high. 

READ ALSO: Where Can I Go Ziplining In Kenya?

The Mau-Mau Caves 

Step back in time by visiting the Mau Mau Caves in the forest.

This excursion needs a guide, and you’ll be thankful for their immense knowledge of Kenyan history and its fight for independence. 

The Mau caves are one of the must-see places to visit in Nanyuki.

Lovers of African history will be thrilled by this walk through the trails that lead to the Mau Mau Caves.

Photo Credits: Ngare Ndare

Ol Pejeta Conservancy 

Nanyuki is known for its numerous conservancies, Ole Pejeta being one of the most famous.

Ol-Pejeta is home to the black rhinos, the largest conservancy housing these big-5 members.

The Ol-Pejeta also houses the largest chimpanzee conservancy in the country.

This conservancy is one of the places to visit in Nanyuki, where you’re almost assured of seeing the Big-5 (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and African buffalo). So you get to experience Masai Mara while in Nanyuki.

READ ALSO: Kereita Forest Ziplining Charges And Activities

Mt. Kenya 

Is mountain hiking on your bucket list on your trip to Nanyuki? Then heave on your hiking bags and go see the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Kenya. 

Mt. Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second highest mountain in Africa after Kilimanjaro.

A climb up this mountain is more than a hike—it’s a chance to see African wildlife, native trees, and magnificent rivers and waterfalls. 

Before you embark on your hike, visit the Mt. Kenya climbing gym to prepare for the arduous climb.

Ol-Jogi wildlife conservancy 

The Ol Jogi conservancy is a perfect place to visit in Nanyuki to see wildlife conservation alongside community development.

Here are the things you can see and activities you can get involved in at Ol Jogi:

  • Game drives: Driving through the 58,000 acres of savannah means every game drive has a unique experience. Hop onto the provided four-wheel SUVs and see the whimsical wildlife Nanyuki has to offer. You’ll be excited to know that you’ll see the endangered gravy zebra right here. 
  • Bush walk: Have you dreamed of walking through the African bush for the raw wild experience? Pack your safari boots and a camera for the ultimate bush experience. You may even make a friend with the baboons on the way. 
  • Rhino orphanage: Ol Jogi conservancy hosts 6% of the world’s last black rhinos.
  • Twala Cultural Center: The Masaai have one of the richest cultures in Kenya. Visit the Twala Cultural Center, established by the local women, and experience the heritage of the Maasai. 

Trout tree restaurant 

About 3 kilometers from the Nanyuki Airstrip is a restaurant propped atop a Fig tree. The fig tree, locally known as Mugumo, is considered sacred.  

The Trout Tree Restaurant offers you an exceptional bush dining experience.

It can seat about 60 people, perfect for a large group. Enjoy their signature mouth-watering dish, trout, while at it.  

The surrounding forest is home to the colobus monkey and the tree hyrax.

Bird-watchers will be happy to experience the numerous bird species as well. 

Nanyuki weavers

This is an excellent stopover where you can make and observe women weave traditional mats and shawls.

While at it, you can promote the local economy by buying handcrafted shawls and rugs from the women.

The Equator Line 

Have you ever stood at the center of the globe? Nanyuki gives you this rare opportunity to do just that! 

A stop-over at the equator is one of the best things to throw into the itinerary to Nanyuki. There’s a market nearby from where you can get a few Kenyan goodies. 

Aberdares range

Enjoy Kenya’s third-highest range of mountains and the lush green forest with thick vegetation covering hidden wildlife.

You can either explore the range on foot or by vehicle.

Many trekking trails throughout the forest can help you, and you are bound to come across other people trekking as well.

And Finally!

There’s no shortage of places to visit in Nanyuki. Explore Nanyuki town on foot to see the numerous curio shops and get mementos for your loved ones.

Pop into the several high-end hotels and experience the local cuisine. 

Nanyuki has favourable weather throughout the year, making it one of the best places to visit, even on a whim.

With all its hidden gems, Nanyuki is an excellent choice for your holiday. 

You can get to Nanyuki by road through the Nairobi-Nyeri-Nanyuki road in about 3 hours and 30 minutes.

It’s also accessible by air via the Nayuki Airstrip. We suggest taking a road trip, though.

It’s more adventurous that way, and you get to see the country while enjoying the ride.

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